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The Scottish Budget 2021 was announced on Thursday 9th December; we’ve summarized the main points here which you may find useful:

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Although Christmas may not be quite back to pre-pandemic normality, there's still plenty to savour in the season. Here are our top tips for the stress-free festivities you deserve:


We are delighted to announce that McCrea Financial Services have been awarded two prestigious national honours, having been the only firm in the UK to receive the 2021 Gold Standard Award for Retirement Planning, while also being named in the annual Citywire New Model Adviser Top 100 list! Read more here:

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Thanks to rising life expectancy, it’s increasingly likely that we’ll spend decades in our retirement, and the preparations we make throughout our working life and into retirement will play a huge role in defining how we enjoy those years. Read about how we can help you plan your pension to live a comfortable retirement.

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The latest edition of our Financial Wellbeing blog is now available to read. This month's edition discusses how we can all play our part in saving our planet with the COP26 conference currently being held. The blog also explains the importance of planning your retirement, while a recap on our Charity Golf Day is provided, along with the key points of the recently announced Autumn budget.