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Performing a financial check-up can help us adapt our finances to suit a changing world, and give us peace of mind that we’re ready to face whatever comes our way. Read more...


It’s a little known fact that McCrea Financial Services have actually been offering a wide range of mortgage advice for almost twenty years now. However, in undertaking detailed research, we found that many people, including a number of our existing clients, were not aware of the service! Find out more here...

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Are you looking for a new challenge? As we continue to grow the business, McCrea Financial Services seek two new experienced staff to join us. We're looking for a Paraplanner and Administrator, both with experience in the financial services sector. Read more ...


As the coronavirus crisis and subsequent lockdown impacts all of our lives and forces many of us to ponder our financial futures our Managing Director, Douglas McCrea, reveals what makes him tick, why sponsorship has played such a big role in the company’s success over the past two decades and where the business is heading as we move out of lockdown. More...

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We sat down recently with three of the advisory team, Graeme Melrose, Grant Sneddon and Chris Bain to find out how they have been able to work on behalf of their clients, their approach during so much uncertainty and a look ahead post lockdown.

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Coronavirus has had a global impact, and there isn’t anyone that hasn’t felt the effect of the pandemic on their savings, investments or pension in one form or another. Here we look at 5 questions we think everyone should be asking. More...