Douglas' 'Stage 1: Pre-Op' Annual Charity Walk Raises over £5,600!

We're delighted to reveal that Douglas' 15th Annual Charity Walk, the 'Stage 1: Pre-Op' Walk has raised over £5,600 for Revive MS Support and Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity! 

One month before his hip replacement operation, Douglas hobbled around The Clyde Walkway; a 65km walk over four days which began in Partick in the West End of Glasgow and finished in New Lanark.

It's fair to say it wasn't the perfect week of walking for Douglas, having gotten soaked on day 1 and a nasty blister appearing on day 3! You can read his daily blog for the walk here

A massive thank you to everyone for their incredibly generous donations which is hugely appreciated, as we aim to raise £50,000 combined for our two charity partners this year. 

If you were planning to donate however haven't managed to do so as of yet, you can still do so on our Revive MS Support Just Giving Page here, or our Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity Just Giving Page here

Last but not least, best of luck to Douglas with his hip operation next month; we hope everything goes smoothly!