Our Junior Journalists Meet Their Glasgow Warrior Heroes!

Ever wondered what motivates the Glasgow Warriors players before a match? Who's the biggest joker in the squad? Or what their favourite ice-cream is? Well wonder no more, as our lucky Junior Journalist winners were invited along to Scotstoun to meet their rugby heroes and ask them a question! 

Club captain Kyle Steyn, Zander Fagerson and Tom Banatvala were all put to the test as our aspiring journalists questioned them on all aspects of rugby, as well as some light-hearted questions from the kids aged 6-15 which provided many great answers!

Our friends at Arteus were present to record all the fantastic questions that were asked, and have put together a compilation of all the questions and answers on the day, which you can watch below. 





We'd like to thank all of our Junior Journalists for attending the event to meet the players, their parents who came along on the day and joined in, as well as Kyle, Zander and Tom for providing some great answers and interacting with the kids! 

A big thanks also to Nim, part of the team here at McCrea for baking up a delicious batch of McCrea and Glasgow Warriors cupcakes; you can be sure that not one cupcake was left uneaten! 

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