Wishing Douglas McCrea a Very Happy Retirement!

It’s a bittersweet time at McCrea, as Douglas McCrea officially retires at the end of the month, nearly 26 years after founding McCrea Financial Services in April 1999.

He has now worked in the financial services industry for 41 years and it’s time for him to take his own advice and lead a life of leisure! 

Douglas would like to say a huge thank you to all our wonderful staff who have made the company a great place to work each day. The business also wouldn’t be where it is today without all our clients who have been with us on the journey over the last 25 years, many of whom have become good friends.

It has never been taken for granted how important a decision it is to trust someone with helping with your financial affairs, so thank you to the many people who have allowed us to help them on their financial journey.  

The support our clients have given to our charitable fundraising over the years has allowed us to raise over £800,000 which is a quite staggering figure and one that Douglas is incredibly proud of. 

On behalf of all the staff, we'd like to say a huge thank you to Douglas for creating such a great environment at McCrea to come to work to everyday, which is evident with how long staff stay at McCrea, with us having recently celebrated multiple 25 year, 20 year and 15 year work anniversaries! 

We are sure you’ll still see Douglas at a number of our upcoming events, including our Charity Race Night in February.

Happy Retirement, Douglas!